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Glaxon backs up its next level branding with reliability and effectiveness

the glaxon experience

Of all the new supplement companies that have come on to the scene over the past few years, Glaxon has probably burst out better than most. The brand has built quite the reputation in an incredibly short amount of time, to the point where it feels like Glaxon has been around for years, yet it only hit the market eight months ago, early in November of last year.

Being such a new and comprehensive brand, we felt it necessary to get a hold of a bunch of Glaxon’s supplements to get a better feel for it and live the Glaxon experience. We’ve done this with a few others in the past as it helps us catch up on the brand as a whole, as opposed to doing individual reviews here and there.

the glaxon experience

Next level branding

The first area we have to touch on for Glaxon is something you can clearly see in all of its marketing, and that is branding. Glaxon really pushes the boundaries when it comes to the design of its labels, giving the supplement industry something that doesn’t look like anything else on the shelf. Not only do its nostalgic themes stand out, but they’re taken even further with textured labels, eye-catching colors, and chrome lids.

Glaxon’s branding gives each of its products an incredibly premium feel that’s consistent across the entire lineup. Despite the supplements all having their own theme inspired by pop culture, the way they’re designed ensures they’re all obviously Glaxon products, which is not easy to do. It is memorable branding that you can’t help but appreciate and be excited to use, and something only a few others have been able to achieve.

the glaxon experience

Recovery with Flight

Moving on to the effectiveness of Glaxon’s supplements, which is truly what matters to us above branding and even flavor. Fortunately, all of the Glaxon products we tried deliver in their respective categories from the GDA Cheat through to the nighttime solution Sedative, and some go even further than that. It’s a reliable collection of supplements, with a few products that compete with the best in their space.

Of the Glaxon supplements we put to the test, Flight quickly became one of our favorites. It is essentially a recovery powerhouse, working similar to Ambrosia’s Overtraining Solution. For us, Flight eradicates soreness, so much so, we were working out several days in a row to draw out any sort of pain, with no avail. Basically, on all occasions where we expected to be hurting the next day or days, there was not only nothing, but we were recovered and ready to train again.

the glaxon experience

Specimen and GFY

In the pre-workout department, Glaxon has two products, Specimen and GFY. Both offer a great kick, with GFY’s being more intense than Specimen’s, although the trade-off is Specimen has a better balance of other effects such as pump and performance. While neither Specimen nor GFY top the highly competitive pre-workout category, they’re both incredibly consistent, and for a company that gets so much right in other areas, they round out the reliable lineup considerably well.

It is also worth mentioning that you’ll want to be careful when serving Specimen or GFY. They have high dosages of niacin that caused some uncomfortable flushes for us, that can easily throw you off your workout. We found a flat scoop of either worked well; anything more, and there was a night and day difference with the flushes. It did limit our ability to throw down a rounded scoop, although with that said, we were not disappointed in any workout we used the pre-workouts.

the glaxon experience

Thermal and others

The one last Glaxon supplement we enjoyed and wanted to highlight is the stimulant-free weight loss formula Thermal. It reminds us a lot of Myoblox reliable thermogenic product Rubix, in that it heats you up even on the coldest of days, and will have sweat pouring off you even when you’re not doing anything. The bonus with Thermal is that you get a noticeable increase in mental focus alongside the sweat, making it an ideal supplement to throw back for cardio.

There were other Glaxon products we got the chance to experience over a couple of months, such as the incredibly great-tasting Super Greens, which we reviewed recently. There is also the powerful focus supplement Adrinall, and the nighttime concoction Sedative that definitely does the job. It helps get you to sleep and ensure it’s quality deep sleep, although on some days, we did wake up a bit groggy and a little less refreshed.

the glaxon experience

Final words

As a whole, Glaxon’s line is extremely extensive and reliable, with something for almost every major category or goal, and more. The brand can cover you from comprehensive weight-loss with the stimulant powered Slyce, Thermal, and its GDA Cheat, through to muscle building with supplements like the testosterone booster Alpha 365, Flight for recovery, and the amino Xeno.

What makes Glaxon even more interesting is just how deep it goes into different categories. It offers types of supplements you won’t find from almost all other brands such as Serenity, Flight, and the fuel formula Hybrid. It’s certainly going to be exciting to see Glaxon evolve across the year and where it goes moving forward, especially with the big promises it’s making for the new year.