The delicious and very low-calorie sauce company, Taste Flavor Co, has come out with an undoubtedly tasty new flavor of its flagship product. If you can remember a couple of months back in May, the brand actually put out a survey asking for feedback on 12 different sauce flavors, although today’s new addition to the lineup was not among that 12.
Taste Flavor Co is welcoming Cajun Honey Mustard today, bringing together a blend of cajun spices, the signature sweetness of honey, and a touch of mustard. The macros on the product are just as good as the brand’s other releases with a reasonable 30ml serving providing only half a gram of fat, 2g of carbohydrates with a gram of that sugar, and ten calories.
The new Cajun Honey Mustard sauce is now in stock on Taste Flavor Co’s online store for its recently, permanently lowered price of $12.99 for a 355ml bottle.