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Total War RTD is getting its first alternatively branded special edition flavor

redcon1 pink lemonade total war rtd

Redcon1 has become quite experienced with special edition, alternatively branded flavors for its pre-workout Total War, with several releases of that type under its belt. The two-time Brand Of The Year winner’s most recent special edition was the flavor Patriot put together for the 4th Of July, and produced in precisely 1,776 units to match the year the Declaration of Independence was signed.

With so many alternative designs and flavors created for Total War, it was really only a matter of time before Redcon1 did the same to its on-the-go version of the supplement, the Total War RTD. Next week, the product is getting its first special edition flavor with Pink Lemonade. It will feature the same label design as the Pink Lemonade Total War powder the brand launched in November of last year.

It is also worth mentioning that this is just the beginning, as Redcon1 does plan on doing more special edition flavors of the Total War RTD in the near future, with Pink Lemonade simply being the first.

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