Chemical Warfare has been in the headlines quite a bit in the first half of this year, launching several complex and advanced supplements such as The Bomb, Armour Plated, and Bomb Proof. It now looks like the up and coming brand is turning its attention to the more basic side of the industry, sharing a preview of a simple new series called the ‘Essentials Range’.
Chemical Warfare’s Essentials Range will be exactly that; a collection of essential-style supplements, the majority of which are going to feature just the one main ingredient. The items making up the series are Vitamin C, CLA, Vitamin D3, Omega 3, and what will likely be the most complex entry in the range with Multi Vitamin, featuring, of course, multiple vitamins and minerals.
Chemical Warfare is looking to launch its Essentials Range and the six supplements that make it up, sometime within the next four weeks in its local UK and European market.