Just as we suspected when it introduced the line with Vitamin C, Redcon1 has now confirmed plans to expand its Basic Training Series with more simple supplements. As mentioned, it all started last week when the brand launched a straightforward vitamin C capsule formula, which will soon be joined by six other products in pill and powder form.
The upcoming pill items for Redcon1’s Basic Training Series include ZMA, the omega-3 source Fish Oil, CLA, and the stimulant Yohimbine, which as far as we know, all feature their title ingredients. The other two Basic Training supplements are unflavored powders and are quite common in essential style lines like this with Glutamine and BCAA.
Redcon1 is looking to release those six products and fill out its Basic Training Series very soon through redcon1.com, and you can probably expect them to be quite cost-effective considering their simplicity.