The popular functional beverage brand Vitamin Well out of Sweden, has introduced an all-new, limited-edition flavor for its flagship, Vitamin Well-named product. Much like the product’s many other flavors, its new addition for the sunny summer season features its own individual mix of vitamins and minerals with vitamin B12, folic acid, and magnesium.
The name of Vitamin Well’s latest wellness drink is ‘Buzzer’, which comes with a refreshing, fruity flavor combination that brings together elderberry and peach. As mentioned, the new Buzzer Vitamin Well beverage is a limited-edition launch, and it is not going to be around permanently, and it does have some nutrition to it with 21g of carbohydrates and zero sugar.
The Buzzer Vitamin Well is now available in the beverage company’s local Swedish market in all of its usual stockists, but as mentioned, it is only around for a limited time.