Apollos Hegemony from Poland continues dropping details on all-new supplements today, following news of flavors for BHB earlier in the week. The entirely new ReferenEAA is the product we have in the spotlight this time around, and as per its name, it is indeed an EAA-based formula featuring all-nine EAAs to support muscle recovery and repair.
Apollos Hegemony actually keeps things very simple and straightforward with ReferenEAA, putting in only EAAs, with no other aminos, electrolytes, or additional vitamins. The European company has packed a solid dosage of EAAs at a hefty 10g per serving, with the BCAAs making up almost half of that at 4,031mg, while the other six EAAs fill out the remaining 6g.
ReferenEAA from Apollos Hegemony should be available in Europe soon if not already. It’ll be hitting shelves and stockists in a 30 serving tub size to last you the usual month, with two flavor options in Tropical Punch and a simple Unflavored.