Glaxon is easily one of the most exciting brands on the market at the moment, despite only entering the supplement industry in the remaining few months of last year. The eye-catching and well-formulated brand has a great selection of products available that continues to grow and is now a lot easier to try without purchasing full-size tubs.
This week, Glaxon has put together single serving sample packs of some of its best supplements and bundled them all together into the one collection. You can now buy the all-new Glaxon Sample Pack through the brand’s website at $14.99, which works out to just over $2 per sample, as it comes with one sample each of seven different products.
The supplements you’ll get of taste of in the Glaxon Sample Pack include its stimulant pre-workout G.F.Y., the stimulant-free pump enhancing Plasm Surge, and the relaxation formula Sedative. The remaining four are the brand’s aminos Xeno and Xeno Energy, its popular superfood product SuperGreens, and the ketone fueled peri-workout Hybrid.