Phat Lab is an exciting and intriguing new supplement company which was first talked about almost one year ago, all the way back in May of last year. What makes the brand so interesting is that in the few images we’ve seen of it, Phat Lab has gone with some extremely unique and eye-catching branding and graphics that make it stand out from all of the others out there.
In the next couple of months, Phat Lab is planning to finally hit the market and become available with a stimulant fueled pre-workout. The reason we’re bringing up the brand today however, is that following its arrival will be the launch of a sister company. That spin-off brand is going to consist of an energy drink called G-Crak, which is branded just as uniquely as Phat Lab.
You can get a sneak peek at the G-Crak beverage in the image above featuring a very psychedelic type look, similar to Phat Lab. We don’t have any idea on when exactly the G-Crak energy drink will be available, although the long-awaited release of Phat Lab is coming before it, so we have that to look forward to first, then the equally eye-catching energy drink.