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Iconic Protein Coffee is here featuring whey protein, coffee and Cognizin

icon meals iconic protein coffee

Icon Meals’ functional new supplement Iconic Protein Coffee has arrived, and it is a little bit more than what we initially thought. As per its name, the product is indeed the combination of a good source of protein and coffee, with 20g of protein per serve from whey concentrate and isolate, and light roast coffee mixed together in a Mocha Cappuccino shake.

Where the surprises come in with Icon Meals’ Iconic Coffee are that it has some additional ingredient on top of the sources of protein and coffee. The brand has thrown in extra caffeine anhydrous to bump up the caffeine total to 150mg per serving, and there is a relatively light dose of the branded nootropic Cognizin citicoline to help with mental focus.

As mentioned, Iconic Protein Coffee from Icon Meals is now available for purchase through its the brand’s website in the one Mocha Cappuccino flavor and the one 14 serving tub. The price on the functional supplement is $29, with no deal or discount celebrating the product’s arrival that we can see.