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Rebranded Serious Mass keeps its calories but gets three times the creatine

optimum nutrition rebranded serious mass

Optimum Nutrition recenlty rebranded its legendary Gold Standard Whey protein powder, giving it a more modern but still familiar look and feel. The legacy supplement company has now done the same thing to its long-running mass gainer Serious Mass, although it has also made a couple of notable changes to its formula.

The newly branded Serious Mass still comes with the same calorie-dense nutrition profile, including 50g of protein, a huge 252g of carbohydrates, just 4.5g of fat, and a hefty calorie count of 1,250. Where the small changes have happened is in the area of extra ingredients with the product’s added creatine, glutamine, inositol, and PABA.

What Optimum Nutrition has done for Serious Mass is switch to half a gram of glutamine as opposed to 500mg each of glutamine and glutamine peptides, and it’s tripled the amount of creatine. Previously each serving of Serious Mass came with only 1g of creatine monohydrate, now however, with the rebranded version, you get 3g.

Optimum Nutrition’s rebranded and tweaked Serious Mass is now available for purchase from Amazon in the supplement’s same two sizes with a 6lb tub and 12lb bag. The mass gainer also lists the same six flavor options with Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Banana, Chocolate Peanut Butter, and Cookies & Cream.