HydroCanna is a fast-growing CBD brand and the maker of the world’s first, oral rehydration solution infused with CBD. HydroCanna’s CBD-Infused Oral Rehydration Solution or ORS for short, combines completely THC-free, broad-spectrum CBD with vitamins, dextrose, and electrolytes in a compact, on-the-go, 2.5oz shot.
HydroCanna may have only just hit the market last year, but it has since gone on to expand into major retailers across the country. The brand’s CBD-Infused ORS shots come in the one Orange flavor at the moment; however, more flavors are due to launch later this year somewhere in the second quarter.

While CBD-Infused ORS is the flagship product from HydroCanna, that’s not all it has in its current lineup. Alongside the hydrating CBD shots, the brand has its original ORS formula in stick packs as well as gummies featuring vitamins, minerals, and CBD. More flavors are meant to be on the way for those other items as well.
You can read a little more about each of HydroCanna’s three products over on its website where you can also purchase its ORS shots at $26.99 for a box of six and its gummies in packs of four bags at $14.38. The brand has a sample box available as well featuring a mix of ORS, gummies, a tee, and stickers for $25.99.