In the build-up to the launch of the Guerrilla Chemist’s GDA from his brand Chemix, a handful of the ingredients that are in the supplement, have now been shared. Previously we only knew of two ingredients and the product’s main benefits with nutrient partitioning support, increased glycogen storage, and improved insulin sensitivity.
In total, the upcoming and long-awaited Chemix GDA is going to feature seven transparently dosed ingredients, the majority of which have been revealed today. There are five ingredients confirmed with chromium picolinate at 600mcg, half a gram of bitter melon, Cinnulin PF, and 300mg each of gymnema sylvestre and Super Berberine.
Those ingredients and dosages above are from a single, three-capsule serving of Chemix GDA, which will have 60 servings per bottle. While we do now have more information for the supplement, we still don’t know exactly when it is going to be available, although since most of its formula has been revealed, we have to imagine it’ll be here soon.