The always exciting beverage brand Bang Energy from VPX Sports, has announced that another flavor of its popular energy drink is right around the corner. As per usual, the company is keeping fans guessing and has not revealed the full name of the upcoming flavor, only showing the top half of the can.
The next new addition to the Bang Energy drink family is green with red accents and packs the usual 300mg of caffeine per can with zero calories. The only clue we have for the actual flavor of the product is that it’s holiday-themed, which does limit the possibilities, but still leaves a lot on the table.
Based on the colors of the upcoming product and the fact that it’s holiday-themed, we’re guessing something along the lines of a Toffee Apple or Candy Apple Bang Energy.
Whatever the latest flavor of Bang Energy turns out to be, it is going to be one fans of the energy drink will want to try. According to the CEO and founder of Bang, Jack Owoc, the holiday-themed creation is going to be the brand’s tastiest to date, which would make for a great finish to a strong year for Bang.