Specimen is one of the many other supplements Glaxon confirmed it would be releasing when it initially hit the market last month, with six products. Specimen is the unique new brand’s competitor for the hugely competitive pre-workout category which looks like a fairly well-rounded supplement based on its formula.
Glaxon’s Specimen promotes itself as a full-spectrum pre-workout, and it does indeed feature ingredients and dosages for a complete combination of benefits. The brand formulated the product to increase energy and focus as well as support hydration and performance, although it does seem to have more ingredients for the former.
Taking care of the energy and focus side of Specimen is a solid 400mg of regular caffeine anhydrous, along with tyrosine, theanine, halostachine, yohimbine, and alpha yohimbine. There is also 300mg of the Cholinace blend which is a mix of alpha-GPC, citicoline, and VitaCholine branded choline bitartrate.

Making up the other side of Glaxon’s formula behind Specimen are all of its heavier dosed, performance and muscle pump ingredients. That list includes, a gram each of GlycerPump branded glycerol and taurine, a clinical 3.2g of beta-alanine, and 1.5g of betaine anhydrous.
Where to buy
You can pick up Specimen from Glaxon’s online store starting this week alongside the other six supplements it debuted with at the beginning of November. The pre-workout keeps with the brand’s rather individual amount of servings packing 21 full-servings per tub. The price on the product is $49.99 in Alien Pop and Molecular Candy flavors.