The exciting newcomer Glaxon continues its spree of new releases this week with the arrival of its unique, bioactive peptide nighttime supplement Flight. While typically products for that nighttime window are geared towards helping you get to sleep and improve your overall quality of sleep, that’s not exactly the main focus of this one.
Glaxon Flight is a nighttime supplement designed to improve and maximize recovery while you sleep. The brand itself says the aim of the product is to promote new muscle growth as well as the regeneration of growing muscle tissues. Glaxon uses a range of organ extracts and marine algaes to give the supplement a truly unique formula.

You can see the complete list of ingredients in Flight in the facts panel above, starting with 550mg of pomegranate extract. Alongside that there is 100mg of Afanin Plus, 250mg each of bovine colostrum immunoglobulins, bovine orchic extract, porcine placental peptides, and arthospira platensis, and 75mg of brown seaweed.
With such a unique formula and promising benefits, it’s not too surprising that Flight is one of the most expensive products in the current Glaxon lineup. The intriguing new supplement will cost you $99.99 for a full 30 serving bottle, however, there is a coupon you can use with “QZHAAJTY8YQM” which gets you a solid 20% off.