VMI Sports has brought over one of the unique flavors available for its calorie-loaded mass gainer, Major Mass, to its much leaner whey isolate formula, ProtoLyte. Major Mass hit the market almost two years ago in three creative options, including Ice Cream Sandwich, Marshmallow Charms, and S’mores.
The mass protein flavor VMI Sports has put together for ProtoLyte is the cereal-themed creation Marshmallow Charms. It aims to deliver the same real marshmallow-filled experience as the original Major Mass version, but without all the extra carbs and fat providing a leaner 22g of protein with 110 calories.
You can now pre-order the Marshmallow Charms flavor of ProtoLyte from VMI Sports’ website in 25 and 70 serving tubs. The smaller option of the two costs $49.99, while the significantly larger 70 serving is $79.99. Also, if you get in early and pre-order either size, VMI Sports will throw in a free funnel.