Archetype Nutrition is a relatively new supplement company that hit the market earlier this year in July with three different products. The brand has since grown into a more complete family of five supplements, with everything available from Archetype Nutrition formulated to be keto-friendly.
The items making up the brand’s lineup include the fat burner Keto Therm, and the well-rounded pre-workout Rex Pre for improved energy, focus, pumps, and performance. There is also the GDA Keto Free, the Carb10 and HBCD powered Keto SuperCarb, and the loaded ketone formula Tru BHB.

Archetype Nutrition’s growing selection of products is undoubtedly interesting. The inclusion of a carb powder and GDA are certainly not supplements you’ll see from most, if not all other keto-friendly brands, although Archetype has its reasons which it explains in detail on its website.
To keep the keto theme going, Archetype Nutrition has also included BHB ketones in every one of its five products. The dosing of the keto-friendly feature does vary from supplement to supplement, but it is in each item with the loaded Tru BHB packing a heavy 11.5g of goBHB ketones per serving.

You can get a closer look at everything now available from Archetype Nutrition over on its website. Not only does the site provide more information, but you can buy any of the brand’s products through there as well. The supplements are all priced at $49.99 each except for Tru BHB at $69.99.