The chocolate manufacturer The Hershey Company has announced it’s agreed to buy One Brands, the maker of the popular One Bar. The news comes just a week after The Simply Good Foods Company revealed it is acquiring the snack brand Quest Nutrition for $1 billion.
“ONE’s portfolio of great tasting nutrition bars, with indulgent flavors such as Birthday Cake, Maple Glazed Doughnut and Peanut Butter Pie, will be a strong strategic fit within our overall innovative snacking powerhouse vision,” Hershey’s Chief Growth Officer Mary Beth West.

“We’re proud of the brand we built and look forward to continuing to build on our momentum with the strength and capabilities that Hershey can provide,” – ONE Brands Founder Ron McAfee.
The Hershey Company has agreed to purchase One Brands for $397 million with the transaction expected to close in the last few months of this year. You can read Hershey’s full press release for its significant One Brands acquisition over at globenewswire.com.