Just Be Natural or more simply known as JBN, has introduced a complete series of CBD supplements called CBD Superior. The brand’s latest effort isn’t just another line of CBD dropper bottles with various concentrations; it is a full family of products that combines CBD with a handful of common supplement types.
Making up JBN’s CBD Superior Series are the capsule formulas CBD Superior Dream, the mood-enhancing CBD Superior Chill, CBD Superior Focus, and CBD Superior Relief for pain and inflammation. There is also a topical product in the lineup with CBD Superior Freeze for achy joints and improved muscle recovery.
The sixth and final supplement in the JBN Superior CBD Series is actually quite a unique one with a CBD infused protein powder. The product provides the usual 25g of protein per serving from high-quality whey isolate with a rather high13g of carbohydrates, a gram each of sugar and fat, 160 calories, and of course CBD at a dose of 20mg.
The six supplements making up JBN’s new CBD Superior Series are made with THC-free CBD extracted from all-natural hemp. You can get a closer look and purchase any of the products on the brand’s website with the topical at $34.99; Relief and Dream at $39.99 per bottle; and the three others priced at $59.99.