Clash Of The Cans is our contest for fans and followers to vote and decide what is the most popular energy drink on the market. We kicked off the contest four weeks ago with over 30 products, then last week we held our grand final between REPP’s RAZE Energy and Cellucor’s C4 Carbonated.
We received tens of thousands of votes for our first-ever Clash Of The Cans, and in the end, it is Cellucor’s performance beverage C4 Carbonated that takes home the title. It was an intense battle between the two finalists, which saw the lead change several times throughout the week of voting.
After combing through and hand-counting each vote, it was indeed Cellucor and its great-tasting C4 Carbonated that finished with the most votes. We’d like to give a huge thanks to everyone that took the time to vote in any of the Clash Of The Cans rounds and all of the brands that took part.