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Carnitine-based CarniTrim coming soon from Blackstone Labs

blackstone labs carnitrim

The hardcore brand Blackstone Labs has announced a new fat burning supplement it has coming down the pipeline with the carnitine based, CarniTrim. The product comes with three different forms of carnitine as well as one other ingredient to help with energy as well as over all weight loss.

blackstone labs carnitrim

Each serving of Blackstone Labs CarniTrim comes with 100mg of EGCG, 100mg of CarniPure branded carnitine tartrate, and 250mg of propionyl l-carnitine. The supplement’s one other carnitine is 250mg of Carniplex inositol-stabilized carnitine silicate, intended to deliver better carnitine uptake.

Blackstone Labs has not shared any kind of launch date or rough timeframe for its upcoming carnitine-based product. With all of its details now revealed however, we have to imagine its availability is very near.