HPScience is an up and coming supplement company that has a rather advanced family of products with its flagship formula being the glucose disposal agent GlycoShield. The brand’s GDA is built to help your body utilize carbohydrates more efficiently for improved energy and better muscle pumps.
In terms of the formula behind HPScience GlycoShield, it is loaded with well-dosed ingredients that are all openly and transparently listed with their exact amounts on the label. Each two-capsule serving of the GDA is packed with a gram of active ingredients including garcinia, banaba, berberine, olive leaf, and the premium trademarked ingredients Salaretin salacia reticulata and GS4+ gymnema.
HPScience has also thrown a huge amount of servings into GlycoShield with a full bottle having a total of 180 capsules. Depending on the amount of carbohydrates you use the supplement with, you could get anywhere from 180 servings out of the bottle with 50g of carb meals or as little as 45 servings with 150g+ carb meals.
At the moment, HPScience has four products in its lineup with the other items outside of GlycoShield being the stimulant free, weight loss formulas LipoShield, InnoSlim, and ParoSlim. Those four are expected to be joined by more supplements later this year including some single ingredient products and a stimulant fat burner called Inertia.
Another unique highlight of HPScience is that its products are all designed to be stackable with each other to assist with weight management goals, and are all clinically dosed. Liposhield is a great example of that, as it stacks perfectly with the brand’s GDA GlycoShield to help you enjoy your favorite foods and beverages while protecting the effort you put into your physique.
You can check out the full family of HPScience supplements on its website where you can purchase any of them as well. The brand does have a strong coupon code available for anyone interested in ordering directly for the first time with “HPS25” getting you 25% off everything with shipping also completely when you order totals more than $100.