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First-ever Clash Of The Cans contest launching next week on Monday

clash of the cans

In exactly one week we are going to be kicking off our first-ever Clash Of The Cans competition where we ask you to vote for the most popular energy drink on the market. It is a ladder style tournament where we start with 30 different energy drinks, then have them battle all the way down to a head to head vote in the grand final.

As we’ve explained before, the first round will have every energy drink from our official entry list ⁠— which can still be added to ⁠⁠— available for you to vote on, as well as a box to submit and vote for a product not on the list. We’ll be running the first round for one week starting on Monday the 24th of June.

After the completion of the first round, we’ll take the top 16 then have them divided up into groups of four, and voted on. The energy drink with the most votes from each group will progress to the semi-final where it’ll be two head to head groups. The winners of that will move into the grand final taking place the week of July 15th.

Each round will be open for an entire week, just like the all-out first round, and you’ll be allowed to vote once every 24 hours. The website to submit your votes will be, which fans, followers, and brands can share as much as they like. We’re actually encouraging sharing and will be rewarding lucky individuals that do.

When the energy drink showdown launches we’ll have more details, but basically, we’re going to randomly select voters that share Clash Of The Cans on social media with energy drink prizes. The whole contest is all in good fun and will be interesting to see what product comes out on top and wins our Clash Of The Cans trophy.

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