Rawjuvenate is one of the newest Amazon supplement brands to hit the market that has an extensive line of plant-based products only available on Amazon. Rawjuvenate has actually launched quite the variety of supplements with a total of well over ten items ranging from simple, essential type formulas to more advanced multi-ingredient supplements.
Some of the more basic products from the Amazon brand include Super Probiotic, MCT Oil Powder, Raw Super Fiber, and Advanced Creatine which is a creatine monohydrate powder. As mentioned there are some more complex supplements in the line such as BHB Exogenous Ketones featuring a fat burning blend as well as a men’s, women’s, and prenatal multi-vitamins.

A good amount of the products in the Rawjuvenate lineup are marketed towards the keto category and make that very obvious in their names. There is Keto Latte combining MCTs and coconut milk with ginger and turmeric; Keto Protein also with MCTs and coconut milk plus pea protein and adaptogens such as coryceps; and Keto Coffee mixing MCTs with roasted coffee.
You can check out the full family of Rawjuvenate supplements over on Amazon by simply throwing the brand’s name into the search bar. The products are not exclusive to Amazon Prime members as we’ve seen with other Amazon brands at launch and do of course vary in price starting as low as $12.99 for Advanced Creatine and up to $29.19 for Organic Plant Protein.