FlexTech Nutrition is an all-new supplement company that is currently gearing up to launch itself later this month in South Africa. The brand plans on starting with just the one product that promises to be a top quality pre-workout competitor featuring a wide variety of fully transparent ingredients.
The first new supplement from FlexTech Nutrition will be FlexFury, which the brand hopes to make quite a bit of noise in its local South African market. FlexTech intends to deliver a comprehensive set of benefits in its first product including ingredients for performance, pumps, strength and energy.
The only things we know of so far about FlexTech Nutrition’s upcoming FlexFury are that it is going to contain 3.2g of beta-alanine, 2g of betaine, GlycerPump glycerol, and a 6g citrulline blend. The pre-workout will also have three flavors in Passionfruit & Mango, Xplosive Cherry, and Nectarine Lemonade.
We’ll have more details to share from FlexTech Nutrition closer to its launch including FlexFury’s full combination of ingredients as well as where South African supplement fans will be able to find the brand.