The Feed Bar is a new protein bar from Nutrabolics that provides a good amount of protein and is made with only real food ingredients such as almond butter, honey, and granola oats. The brand also makes it a point to highlight the kinds of ingredients it doesn’t have including no fillers, sugar alcohols, or fake sweeteners.
The full nutrition profile for the Feed Bar is similar to a lot of other real food style bars on the market led by a higher than usual 22g of protein with whey as its source. The Nutrabolics Feed Bar is primarily built with oats, so it is high in carbohydrates as well at 30g with 3g of that fiber and 14g sugar, with the fat at 10g and calorie total at 298.

The Canadian based Nutrabolics plans on launching its wholesome Feed Bar in just a few weeks from now on Friday the 17th of May in boxes of 12 bars. The product will have two tastes to choose from when it eventually hits shelves with a fairly traditional Peanut Butter Chocolate and Salted Caramel Pecan.