The Food and Drug Administration has launched a tool to help inform consumers about potentially dangerous and seemingly unlawful ingredients that can be found in some dietary supplements. The administration has given the tool the lengthy title of “Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List”.
The new system from the FDA is essentially a page that lists ingredients it has preliminarily assessed and says may not be lawful dietary ingredients. At the moment it has just four ingredients on it with 1,4 DMAA, higenamine, andarine, and hordenine, although the FDA says more may be added or even removed.
“The FDA Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List is intended to quickly alert the public when the FDA identifies ingredients that do not appear to be lawfully included in products marketed as dietary supplements. Inclusion on the Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List does not necessarily indicate that the FDA has determined that the ingredient is unsafe.”
You can check out the FDA’s new Dietary Supplement Ingredient Advisory List for yourself over on its website at fda.gov. On the tool’s page, the administration has also included links to other concerning ingredients and an email subscription option so that consumers can be notified when changes made to the list.