After numerous teaser images and clues, EVL has finally revealed exactly what we’re in for with its exciting collaboration with musician Steve Aoki. The last we heard from the brand was that the upcoming supplement is some sort of spin-off of one of its many powder formulas like ENGN or LeanMode.
This week EVL has confirmed that the product it has put together in partnership with Steve Aoki is, in fact, a special edition flavor of ENGN Shred. For those unfamiliar with the brand and its supplements, ENGN Shred is a spin-off of its original pre-workout ENGN infused with weight loss ingredients.
The only question we have now is what exactly is the special flavor EVL and Steve Aoki have put together? That is the one detail the brand has yet to reveal, and based on the fact EVL is still keeping it a secret; we have to imagine it is something quite different or at the very least creative.