Zack King Khan’s UK supplement brand ZKK Labs has introduced a somewhat different kind of creatine product. From what we can see the supplement contains the commonly used creatine monohydrate and comes in two versions promoted for different purposes with Phase 1: Load and Phase 2: Maintenance.
If you’re a long time creatine user, you may have come across a creatine product that directs you to take multiple servings for the first few days for faster saturation, then once a day moving forward. ZKK Labs’ creatine takes that angle a bit further with one tub specifically for a loading phase and the other for maintenance.
ZKK Labs has yet to add the supplement to its online store, so we can’t confirm if there is any difference between Phase 1: Load and Phase 2: Maintenance outside of their names. Phase 1 is of course for that initial loading phase where you take it multiple times per day, while phase 2 is for once per day maintenance.