Sapper Nutrition is an up and coming veteran owned supplement company that recently released a new flavor of its packed out pump pre-workout Primar. The brand is at the Arnold this year with its latest launch on display, alongside its other, stackable pre-workout, the stimulant powered Detcord.
The new addition to Sapper Nutrition’s Primer menu is the flavor Rainbow Candy. The supplement itself features a solid mix of ingredients including a heavy 8g of citrulline malate (2:1), a gram each of agmatine and vitamin C, 150mg of norvaline, 3g of GlycerPump glycerol, and 250mg of pink Himalayan salt.
Sapper Nutrition has also confirmed that it is currently working on a protein product, which is dropping in the coming months. If you’d like to find out more about the brand and its three supplements, head on over to its website, where you can also purchase directly from the brand.