Nutrabolics has been bringing it this year when it comes to exciting new releases with supplements that are both interesting and well put together. Despite already doing a lot in the first three months of the year, the brand is showing no signs of slowing down as we move into the second quarter.
Quickly following yesterday’s post with more information on Nutrabolics’ real food protein bar, the Feed Bar, the brand has unveiled another entirely new product. The upcoming item is the Nutrabolics Keto Liquid Fast, which is a seven-day supplement and extreme diet program for fasting.
We don’t know what kind of ingredients the brand will be using in the Keto Liquid Fast, although we do know each box comes with a stack of six different products. Nutrabolics is also saying that it can help users lose as much as 10lbs by the end of the seven days the supplement is designed to last.
While Nutrabolics hasn’t shared enough information to get us overly excited, its upcoming Liquid Keto Fast has certainly gained our attention. It’ll be interesting to see what it looks like when completely unveiled, especially since each kit comes with a stack of six different products.