The all-new hemp extract supplement Hemp Daily from Per Vitam, which we previewed mid last week, is now available for purchase. The product features a premium form of hemp extract that according to the brand, is a massive 20 times more bioavailable than regular hemp extract.
Now that Per Vitam’s Hemp Daily has arrived, we can confirm that it features nextHEMP branded hemp extract at a dose of 10mg per capsule. Based on that claim of the ingredient being 20 times more bioavailable, that 10mg dose should be equal to 200mg of regular hemp extract.
To get your hands on Per Vitam’s hemp formula, you need to head to Tiger Fitness where Hemp Daily is now in stock and will cost you $49.99 per bottle. The store also has a subscribe and save option where you can get 10% off if you sign up to receive a bottle every two, six, or eight weeks.