Blackstone Labs has some news to share for its delicious protein-packed frozen dessert ISO-Cream, which released last year in March. The product is truly enjoyable and has a better protein to calorie ratio than any other protein ice cream we’ve seen with calories as low as 266 for a strong 38g of protein.
The latest update from Blackstone Labs is that two new flavors are on the way for ISO-Cream, both of which sound like they’ll be quite the treat. The product initially launched with Vanilla Cookie Dough, Mint Chocolate Chip, and Chocolate Chip, then a few months later had Birthday Cake added to its menu.
The new flavors confirmed as coming soon to ISO-Cream are Chocolate Covered Cherry and Peaches and Cream. Blackstone Labs has also been testing out Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana, Cherry Cheesecake, Caramel Toffee, and the two very creative sounding options in Maple Bacon and Cafe Sweet Cream.
Blackstone Labs has not given a firm release timeframe just yet for Peaches and Cream or Chocolate Covered Cherry ISO-Cream, although the Peaches and Cream is expected to be available first.