The fat-based supplement company Simply GoodFats, has introduced an all-new product this week that is of course made with MCTs from the freshest and purest coconuts. The item joining the brand’s lineup is appropriately named Creamy MCT, available in two flavors as well as an Unflavored option called Whole Food MCT.
Simply GoodFats’ new supplement is a creamy, emulsified MCT oil formula providing a healthy source of MCTs to help balance your metabolism, support brain function, and burn stored fat. Each serving of Creamy MCT provides 8g of fat with 70 calories except for the Unflavored option which is obviously a little more concentrated with 14g of fat and 130 calories.
You can now purchase any of the Simply GoodFats’ flavored Creamy MCTs — Vanilla Coconut Swirl and Mandarin Orange Dream — through its online store at $34.99 or $29.75 each when buying three or more. As for the Unflavored Whole Food MCT which has 75% more fat per bottle, it is actually cheaper at $28.99 or $24.65 with three or more.