Our favorite Italian supplement company 4+ Nutrition, has put together a pair of topical products, each of which is named after what it intends to help with. The new additions to the brand’s black and yellow themed lineup are titled Performance Cream and Recovery Cream.
4+ Nutrition’s Performance Cream is a heating cream designed to be applied to your body before exercise in order to help it warm up, and prevent any injuries. In terms of ingredients, the product features a blend of arnica, tocopheryl nicotinate, cajeput essential oil, vitamin E, and jojoba oil.
As for 4+ Nutrition’s other topical formula Recovery Cream, it is intended to do the opposite to Performance Cream and provide a cooling effect after exercise to support muscle recovery. The ingredients in this one are devil’s claw, boswellia, wintergreen oil, jojoba oil, and vitamin E.
For more information on 4+ Nutrition’s pre and post-workout creams, you can head on over to its website at 4plusnutrition.com. If you live in the brand’s home country of Italy, you can also order the products from that site with Performance and Recovery Cream priced at €12 (13.74 USD) each.