The 2018 Protein Wars is officially underway, with voting now open over at The Protein Wars is an annually run competition where we put it to a vote to find out what is the most popular protein powder on the market. It is a ladder style contest where only the product with the most votes progresses to the next round.
The rules are pretty straightforward. You can vote once every 24 hours, which means if you vote today at 2PM, you won’t be able to vote again until 2PM tomorrow. Voting in each round of the Protein Wars is open for an entire week, starting Monday morning and running through until midnight Eastern Time on Sunday.
Live results of each poll will be displayed up until the weekend when we hide them for the last two days of voting. The winners from each week will be announced on the Monday of the following week. Supplement companies are allowed to market and promote the contest, however, any fake, spam, bot, or suspicious votes will be removed from the final counts.
If you have any questions about the Protein Wars, feel free to reach out to us on social media or via our contact page. Once again, you can get your votes in over at with this week featuring the 40 proteins making up the first half of round one. Voting for the second half will take place next week, then the quarter and semi-finals, and the grand final during the week of December 10th.