If you wanted to try the latest and greatest from the guys over at EVL, you’re in luck. We’ve teamed up the brand this week for a stack giveaway that contains its still very new pump pre-workout, the dual capsule version of Pump Mode.
To go with Pump Mode, the stack we’re giving away from EVL also contains a large tub of its high-quality isolate protein powder and the new Jalapeno Limeade flavor of BCAA Energy. As mentioned it is a mix of some of the latest EVL supplements, especially the BCAA Energy flavor as that has just landed.
If you’d like to get yourself in the draw to win the EVL stack we have up for grabs, simply complete one or more of the tasks in the contest box below. The giveaway is due to close at midnight this coming Sunday, with the lucky winner being drawn and emailed for shipping details sometime next week.
EVL Stack