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Martyn Ford partners with the new supplement company Ignite Nutrition

martyn ford ignite nutrition

Longtime 5% Nutrition team member Martyn Ford, is now promoting an all-new company he’s partnered with named Ignite Nutrition. The brand has yet to actually launch any supplements, although it has previewed the three products it plans on starting out with.

Ignite Nutrition promotes itself as being more than just a brand, saying that it aims to educate and motivate as well. The three products the brand has confirmed it will be launching with are the fat burner Shred-Up, the muscle builder Test-Up, and the protein powder Load-Up.

The formulas behind Test-Up and Load-Up have already been revealed in preparation for Ignite Nutrition’s upcoming release. The protein-based supplement Load-Up certainly appears to be the star of the lineup so far, as is it features far more than you’d expect.

martyn ford ignite nutrition

Ignite Nutrition’s Load-Up is essentially a complete post-workout product. On top of its 20g of protein, the supplement also packs 5g of BCAAs to improve recovery, a blend of carbohydrates, a mix of three creatines for strength and power, an electrolyte matrix, and three ingredients for joint support.

As mentioned, Martyn Ford and Ignite Nutrition have not launched any supplements just yet, however, it does look like that’ll be changing very soon. For more information on the new brand as well as its upcoming products you can head on over to