This September at the Olympia expo in Las Vegas, Muscle Sport is launching another addition to its advanced family of supplements, the Black Series. The product joining the family is Amino Rev, which like all of the other items in the line, it features a fully loaded formula.
Muscle Sport Amino Rev is an amino based supplement, however, amino acids are far from all that is in the formula. Each 13g serving of the upcoming product packs over 15 active ingredients, that altogether aim to help with muscle recovery, increase endurance, and improve hydration.

As for the formula Muscle Sport has squeezed into Amino Rev, it is led by a full 7g of the branded Amino9 EAA blend, just over 4g of which is BCAAs. It also includes CoCoganic coconut water, tart cherry, a blend of electrolytes, Cornerstone HICA dihydrate, PureKIC, and AstraGin to enhance absorption of everything.
You can see the full transparent facts panel of Amino Rev above listing all of its ingredient and doses, and as mentioned, you can look forward to the launch of it at this year’s Olympia Expo. That event is going down in exactly one month from now on Friday the 14th of next month.