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Latest Grenade teaser hints at a Birthday Cake Carb Killa for this Friday

birthday cake carb killa

The creative UK company Grenade, has shared a teaser video that has left us thinking just one thing. The short clip features a handful of candles that are quickly blown out, alongside a countdown that is ticking down to this coming Friday.

Based on the fact that Grenade is counting down, we suspect it is currently getting ready to release an all-new product. Then, based on the colorful background and candles from the teaser, we’re going to guess that new product is a Birthday Cake flavor for the brand’s delicious Carb Killa protein bar.

We could, of course, be completely wrong here and Grenade may actually be preparing for something else entirely. As mentioned, however, we feel that what ever the brand has coming, it has to be quite significant, as Grenade doesn’t usually tease or build up anything that’s not worth the excitement.