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Fizzique Review: Innovative form with a hard to ignore aftertaste

The still very new Fizzique claims to be the world’s first sparkling protein water, and as far as we know, that is the case. We were fortunate enough to get our hands on a couple of cans of each of flavor of the fizzy, on-the-go protein solution and were excited to try it based on how innovative it is.

Nutrition wise, the product is very clean, featuring highlights such as no lactose, GMO-free, no soy, low sodium, and keto-friendly. A full can provides a healthy 20g of protein from high-quality whey protein isolate, with zero fat and carbohydrates, and only 80 calories. It also packs a bit of an energy boost with 45mg of natural caffeine.

fizzique review


For the best experience, it is suggested that you drink Fizzique ice cold, so we gave the cans a day in the refrigerator before popping them open. At first, it tastes quite sweet, giving you a good sense of each of the two flavors, Strawberry Watermelon and Tropical Limon.

Not very long after you’ve had a drink of Fizzique the experience takes a pretty rough turn. That initially rather sweet taste quickly transforms into a tough, and kind of bitter aftertaste. The end of it has an almost spoiled milk like flavor, which doesn’t mix well with the fruity side and leaves a chalky texture in your mouth.

fizzique review

Fizzique’s Tropical Limon flavor is probably the better of the two flavors, not because it doesn’t have that aftertaste, but because it seems to play into it more. Tropical Limon almost feels like a cream soda flavor with all the tastes it has in the mix, although it still doesn’t hide that inevitable aftertaste.


Overall we definitely appreciate the innovation that’s gone into Fizzique, and it has great potential. We do however feel it could do with more work in the flavor department. It needs something to mask that bitter aftertaste or a strong flavor to overshadow it, to possibly get closer and more in line with the other protein drinks on the market.