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Limited edition Salted Caramel Trutein due to launch July 4th

salted caramel trutein

Body Nutrition has introduced a new flavor to the menu of its long-running and well-known Trutein protein powder. Regular users of the supplement will know Trutein already comes in quite the selection of flavors with over ten options including Lemon Meringue Pie and Penaut Butter Marshmallow Cookie.

The new flavor Body Nutrition has announced for Trutein is Salted Caramel, featuring the product’s usual protein formula powered by whey, casein, and egg white protein. There is actually a catch with this flavor as it is, in fact, an extremely limited time supplement, so you’ll need to be quick when it arrives.

To go with the naming of its upcoming Trutein flavor, Body Nutrition has also confirmed the date it’ll be available. The brand plans on releasing the product in exactly six days from now on Wednesday the 4th of July through its website at