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VPX launches two all-new caffeine-free Bang flavor options

cherry blade lemonade caffeine free bang

VPX Sports has revealed and released a couple of all-new flavors for its caffeine-free Bang energy drink that features beta-alanine in place of caffeine. Like the product’s original options, its two new additions are both from the regular, caffeinated Bang energy drink’s menu.

Joining VPX Sports’ first three caffeine-free Bang flavors — Sour Heads, Cotton Candy and Black Cherry Vanilla — is Purple Guava Pear and Cherry Blade Lemonade. As mentioned the caffeine-free formula swaps caffeine for beta-alanine, but still features CoQ10, creatine, and BCAAs.

VPX Sports has already made both its Purple Guava Pear and Cherry Blade Lemonade caffeine-free Bang energy drinks available at The brand’s direct price on a box of cans is a bit more than your typical retailer at $31.99, but it is one of the first places with the new flavors.

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