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Lenny and Larry’s hints at an Apple Pie flavored Complete Cookie

lenny larrys apple pie complete cookie

Lenny and Larry’s has announced that this coming Monday it is dropping an all-new flavor for its protein-packed Complete Cookie. The brand hasn’t exactly confirmed what the flavor will be; however, it’s shared enough clues that we’re fairly certain we know what it is.

The hints Lenny and Larry’s has shared are an image of what appears to be the inside of an apple, and the words “I am a small round fruit. But I’m not a lemon. I get baked in a pie. Along with cinnamon. What am I?” Our guess is we’re in for some sort of an apple-themed Complete Cookie flavor like Apple Pie.

An Apple Pie Lenny and Larry’s Complete Cookie is also quite likely as it is one of the new flavors the brand previewed at last year’s Arnold Expo, and has still yet to officially release. Either way, we’ll find out very soon exactly what the mystery product is, as mentioned it is due to drop in just three days’ time.