Redcon1 has announced that its recently reformulated Total War, that landed it a very high spot on our list of top five pre-workouts. was actually an interim formula. The brand was trying to move away from the powerful but slowly disappearing stimulant DMHA, and decided to go with that one while they came up with something better.
The all-new Total War is intended to be once again, better than the last, offering a complete and balanced mix of effects with increased energy, pumps, focus, and performance. Redcon1 also created the latest version to be a more sustainable formula in regards to any regulatory changes it may come across later down the road.
As far as ingredients go for the new and improved Total War, Redcon1 has only tweaked it in a handful of areas. Its changes are that it’s dropped theobromine and theobroma extract for the branded Cocateanol theobroma, removed yohimbine, switched to Infinergy dicaffeine malate, and swapped its 200mg of eria jarensis for 150mg of AMPiberry.

The removal of yohimbine is actually a more important change that you may think, as because of that this version of Total War will be what Redcon1 fans all around the world get. The only exception to that is in Europe, where the supplement won’t have the pump enhancer agmatine as it is not a compliant ingredient over there.
The all-new version of Redcon1’s reputable Total War pre-workout has been officially launched today through redcon1.com. It is available with the same 30 servings per tub and at the same regular price of $39.99, with a variety of flavors to choose from including Sour Gummy Bear and Blue Lemonade.