Following on from yesterday’s post about Atlhetica Nutrition’s all-new protein snack, Best Whey Protein Peanuts. Today, we have details on another addition to the Brazilian brand’s family of Best Whey protein products, with a new flavor for the original Best Whey protein powder.
The latest creation from Atlhetica Nutrition for Best Whey is actually quite unique, and something we don’t think we’ve seen from any other brand. The option is simply called “Original”, which based on how Atlhetica is promoting it, looks to be some sort of milk like protein flavor.
Atlhetica Nutrition’s new Original Best Whey has been put together for both of the product’s size options, the 900g tub and the box of single serving sachets. The Original flavor sits alongside a long list of other unique Best Whey flavors including Churros, Green Corn, and Coconut Kiss.