Less than half a year ago, VMI Sports launched its deliciously marketed mass protein supplement Major Mass. It was introduced in three great looking flavors with Ice Cream Sandwich featuring real cookie crumbs, and Marshmallow Charms and S’Mores, both including real marshmallows.
This month, VMI Sports has decided it’s time to give back to Major Mass by doubling the size of its menu. The whey and Carb10 powered gainer now comes in a total of six different flavors with its new additions being Chocolate Milkshake, Peanut Butter Cookie, and the less traditional recipe, Apple Pie.
All three of VMI Sports’ new Major Mass flavors are in stock on its website at vmisports.com for a price of $59.99 per tub. The retailer Natural Body also already has the new flavors in stock and for a lot cheaper, going as low as $45 each when buying two or more tubs.