Over in the UK, Optimum Nutrition has launched a limited edition box set of its well-known energy infused amino formula, AmiNO Energy. The product actually contains three 10 serving tubs of AmiNO Energy, each being a completely different flavor.
The box set features quite the unique mix of flavors with Optimum Nutrition’s original Fruit Fusion, Pineapple, and the 2017 released Cola AmiNO Energy. As mentioned, the convenient variety set is only available for a limited time and for now we can only seem to find it in the UK.
The retailer Tropicana Fitness already has Optimum Nutrition’s AmiNO Energy variety box in stock for £17.50 (24.84 USD). That is also the price on the store’s regular 30 serving AmiNO Energy, so the bonus of getting three flavors in one won’t cost you anything extra.