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4+ Nutrition makes a ready-to-go protein infused porridge

4 plus hp porridge

While 4+ Nutrition does have a lot of typical powder and capsule supplements available, it also has a massive selection of on-the-go products. Its convenient lineup includes items like the plant powered Vegan Pro bar, the no sugar chocolate block Zero+, and also very soon, an all-new product called HP Porridge.

The Italian brand 4+ Nutrition has just unveiled HP Porridge, which from what we can see is a pretty self-explanatory supplement. The item appears to be a ready-to-go pot of porridge that’s infused with extra protein as well as sweeteners to enhance the overall flavor.

By the sounds of things, fans of 4+ Nutrition will be able to get their hands on this one very soon. The brand is saying HP Porridge will be arriving sometime next week, then likely be added to for purchase, soon after.